Our analytical service labs host air sampling instruments. For projects where you need good data fast, we will deliver accurate measurements with quick turnaround times at affordable costs. Our services include air testing for volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds, atmospheric gases particulates, and metals. We analyze indoor air and ambient air quality determinations related to health risk assessments. All these analyses are challenging and require reliable technique, low detection limits and data analysis methodologies.

Using our passive collection method, we collect air samples in several different filters to support particulate analysis. This includes PM-10, PM-2.5 and PM-1 filters. We use gravimetric and x-ray fluorescence techniques to determine air pollutants.For example, aerosolized dust and particulates are air pollution that can affect air quality across a region or city, but can also be localized to a community, neighborhood, or even a single building.
We offer low-cost monitoring services for:
- Hospitals, caretakers, and those who suffer from respiratory health conditions
- Schools and universities
- Mining sites
- Gas and Oil industries
- Cement and construction sites
- Food industries
Our analytical services include:
- Chemical Composition
- Material Property Analysis
- Particle Analysis
- X-ray Analysis
- Environmental radiation monitoring
- Isotope and nuclear emitting material identification